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AI With An Immune System

Maitai detects faults in AI output in real-time, autocorrects bad output, then builds more reliable, higher performance models just for you.

Bespoke Models

We build and fully manage your AI model stack, custom to your application. Reliable, fast, and cost-effective inference without all the headache.

Real-time Autocorrections

Maitai detects faults in AI output and then takes corrective action before damage is done. Sleep well at night knowing your AI output follows your expectations.

Production Resilience

Never have a bad request. Maitai preemptively falls back to a secondary model when we detect issues (outages, degraded performance) with your primary model.

AI That Grows With You

An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral


Simple Integration

We built Maitai to easily swap in over your existing provider. Start using Maitai day 1 without disruptions. Bring your own keys or use ours.


Better, Faster, Cheaper


Continuous Improvement


Simple Integration

We built Maitai to easily swap in over your existing provider. Start using Maitai day 1 without disruptions. Bring your own keys or use ours.


Better, Faster, Cheaper


Continuous Improvement


Simple Integration

We built Maitai to easily swap in over your existing provider. Start using Maitai day 1 without disruptions. Bring your own keys or use ours.


Better, Faster, Cheaper


Continuous Improvement

Simple to start

Simple to start

Simple to start

We made it easy to immediately start de-risking your applications.

import maitai

def generate_text(messages):
    client = Maitai(api_key=os.environ['MAITAI_API_KEY'])
    response =
        ## model="gpt-4-turbo",    <-- Handled in the dashboard
        ## temperature=temperature, <-- Handled in the dashboard

Monitor & Observe

See the AI health of your applications in real-time, and step into each evaluation as it happens.

Actionable Alerts

Connect your Slack or PagerDuty account for instant alerts when a critical fault occurs. Corrective action can also be taken with autocorrections or client callbacks.

Flexible and transparent pricing for teams of all sizes

Flexible and transparent pricing for teams of all sizes

Flexible and transparent pricing for teams of all sizes

For individuals

Pay as you go

Perfect for individuals and small projects.


What’s included

Model fallbacks

Full governance

Basic support

Full observability

Unlock enhanced governance capabilities, priority support, and access to more models.

For startups




+ $0.05/request*

What’s included

Everything from "Pay as you go"

Enhanced autocorrections

Premium support

Access to Groq at high rate limits

For larger teams


Access the full suite of features, 24/7 dedicated support, and fully managed model stack that gets better over time.

Contact us

What’s included

Everything from "Pro"

Custom models

Dedicated support

Custom-built governance

*The $0.05 per request fee covers requests up to 30,000 tokens.

For requests exceeding this limit, additional nominal charges may apply.

For individuals

Pay as you go

Perfect for individuals and small projects.


What’s included

Model fallbacks

Full governance

Basic support

Full observability

Unlock enhanced governance capabilities, priority support, and access to more models.

For startups




+ $0.05/request*

What’s included

Everything from "Pay as you go"

Enhanced autocorrections

Premium support

Access to Groq at high rate limits

For larger teams


Access the full suite of features, 24/7 dedicated support, and fully managed model stack that gets better over time.

Contact Us

What’s included

Everything from "Pro"

Custom models

Dedicated support

Custom-built governance

*The $0.05 per request fee covers requests up to 30,000 tokens.

For requests exceeding this limit, additional nominal charges may apply.

For individuals

Pay as you go

Perfect for individuals and small projects.


What’s included

Model fallbacks

Full governance

Basic support

Full observability

Unlock enhanced governance capabilities, priority support, and access to more models.

For startups




+ $0.05/request*

What’s included

Everything from "Pay as you go"

Enhanced autocorrections

Premium support

Access to Groq at high rate limits

For larger teams


Access the full suite of features, 24/7 dedicated support, and fully managed model stack that gets better over time.

Contact us

What’s included

Everything from "Pro"

Custom models

Dedicated support

Custom-built governance

*The $0.05 per request fee covers requests up to 30,000 tokens.

For requests exceeding this limit, additional nominal charges may apply.

For individuals

Pay as you go

Perfect for individuals and small projects.


What’s included

Model fallbacks

Full governance

Basic support

Full observability

Unlock enhanced governance capabilities, priority support, and access to more models.

For startups




+ $0.05/request*

What’s included

Everything from "Pay as you go"

Enhanced autocorrections

Premium support

Access to Groq at high rate limits

For larger teams


Access the full suite of features, 24/7 dedicated support, and fully managed model stack that gets better over time.

Contact us

What’s included

Everything from "Pro"

Custom models

Dedicated support

Custom-built governance

*The $0.05 per request fee covers requests up to 30,000 tokens.

For requests exceeding this limit, additional nominal charges may apply.

The leading AI platform that provides value to your entire team


Worry-free AI applications

Easily ship more deterministic AI-enabled features. Maitai immediately eliminates unexpected AI output, and starts building you models for faster, higher quality inference at a fraction the cost of general-purpose models.

Immediate managed governance

Higher quality than GPT-4 at 10x the speed

A path to self-sufficiency. We build models that work best for your applications using your data (available only to you).


AI operations simplified

Get notified the moment a problem occurs, through our PagerDuty or Slack integrations. Maitai provides you with the who/what/where/when/why (as well as suggested next steps!) so your ops team can take action immediately.

Real-time notifications with full briefing

Easy integration with your existing tools

Resolve issues quickly and with precision

Build reliable AI applications with Maitai

Schedule a call with us

Maitai © 2024

Build reliable AI applications with Maitai

Schedule a call with us

© 2016-2023 VisionIQ - MIT License

Build reliable AI applications with Maitai

Schedule a call with us

Babarogic © 2023. Designed by Goran Babarogic